Agile and Beyond - Why small teams go faster Thu, Apr 12. 2012
"Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later." -- Fred Brooks, 1975
The Mythical Team-Month ist eine großartige Präsentation von Justing Searls (u.a.) über erfolgreiche Teams und schnellere Feedbackzyklen in der Softwareentwicklung. Die Folien stehen für sich alleine und sind aufgrund der angeschlagenen Audioqualität fast besser als die die 40minütige Aufzeichnung der Präsentation (siehe unten):
Hier die Videoaufzeichnung:
The Mythical Team Month from Justin Searls on Vimeo.
Things don't go on forever Mon, Dec 5. 2011
Wer sich ein bisschen bishin zu sehr viel mit Softwareentwicklung - und Scrum im Besonderen - beschäftigt, aber den Scrum et al. Talk von Ken Schwaber auf Google Video noch nicht gesehen hat: Halt! Sofort anschauen und heute noch etwas Neues lernen oder im schlechtesten Fall: von einem Ex-Marine gut unterhalten werden.
Scrums assumption is that you are intelligent or at least as intelligent as you'll ever be and that you will use that intelligence and your experience to come up with the best solution for whatever circumstance you're in right then.
When we first [...] announced Agile, 2001 there were a number of comments that agile was really, really good. This way from [...] people who were kind of a little troubled with Agile. They said really, really good if you have a team of outstanding engineers that are using excellent engineering tools, have engineering practices down pat, understand the business domain, the technology domain inside out and aren't interrupted and have all the resources they need, then you can use Scrum. While it's true that people like that can build an increment of software every iteration. That's good.
However, Scrum works with idiots. You can take a group of idiots, that maybe didn't even go to school, don't understand computer science, don't understand software engineering techniques, hate each other, don't understand the business domains, have lousy engineering tools and uniformly they will produce crap every increment. This is good!
You want to know - at the end of every iteration - where you are. And part of the point of Scrum [...] is transparency. So that everyone knows where you are all the time. -- Ken Schwaber
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